API service for data integration on third-party platforms:
→ to enable my data myAPIs or public data allAPIs
ask for a quotation

Data access and login

The user must have a registered account (email and password) on app.meteotracker.com dashboard

An access token is provided as response to the user login:

POST /auth/login/api

new access tokens can be obtained using refresh token after 3 hours:

POST /auth/refreshtoken

authorize the APIs click on:


and insert the valid access token

Data Available

The API can provide the following data:

numeric WeatherPoint data

T0 air temperature [°C]

H relative humidity [%]

a altitude [m]

P pressure [mbar]

td dew point [°C]

tp potential temperature [K]

HDX humidex [°C]

i vertical temperature gradient [°C/100m]

s speed [km/h]

L solar radiation index

bt bluetooth RSSI [dBm]

CO2 carbon dioxide [ppm]

m1 mass concentration PM1.0 [μg/m3]

m2 mass concentration PM2.5 [μg/m3]

m4 mass concentration PM4.0 [μg/m3]

m10 mass concentration PM10 [μg/m3]

n0 number concentration PM0.5 [#/cm3]

n1 number concentration PM1.0 [#/cm3]

n2 number concentration PM2.5 [#/cm3]

n4 number concentration PM4.0 [#/cm3]

n10 number concentration PM10 [#/cm3]

tps typical part size [μm]

EAQ EPA Air Quality index

FAQ Fast Air Quality index

O3 ozone [ppb]

CO carbon monoxide [ppm]

SO2 sulfure dioxide [ppm]

AQI Full Air Quality index

* Not all the above listed data is always included in a WeatherPoint. Usually a WeatherPoint contains air temperature, pressure, relative humidity and derived data such as dew point etc.. The availability of other data (e.g. CO2 etc..,) depends on the sensor used.

string Session data

fromTo place of departure and arrival

by user field (only for signed public Sessions)

numeric Session data

startTime session start time [UTC Date o timestamp]

endTime session end time [UTC Date o timestamp]

nPoints session total points number

nPhotos session total MeteoPhotos number

string dataType

my my (or my team's) meteotracker sessions

all meteotracker public sessions

shared sessions shared with me

preferred preferred sessions

trashedSess trashed sessions

myMap my (or my team's) meteotracker data

allMap meteotracker public data

myPhoto my (or my team's) meteotracker photos

allPhoto meteotracker public photos

→ to enable my data myAPIs or public data allAPIs ask for a quotation